Saturday, October 24, 2015

Honorable Ancestors & Dishonorable Descendants

     My late father was drafted into the United States Army and served from 1966 to 1972, a period of time that is included in what's called "The Vietnam Era." Though my Dad never saw combat, nor stepped foot into any portion of southeast Asia, my father is considered a 'Vietnam Veteran' by definition. While Dad was certainly proud to have served, I think he felt some sort of guilt that he wasn't sent over to Vietnam like some of his closest friends, or like his service was inconsequential and not worthy of recognition. I think that's why he didn't talk about his service all that much. He did tell me that he thought getting drafted into the service was the best thing that ever happened to him, and he was thankful for the level of discipline that it taught him.

     I have spoken to numerous Vietnam Veterans in the last few years, many of them having seen serious action in that theater of war, who have told me that my Dad's service was just as important as that rendered by anyone else who served during that time. One combat veteran explained to me that every job done by soldiers in the military is necessary to completing the overall mission, and that the soldier who wields the hammer or the spatula is just as vital as the one who wields the gun. Another veteran from that time period explained to me that no matter what your job was or where you were stationed, you always knew that at any point your unit might be called up to go to the warzone. All of the veterans I have spoken to have told me that they respect and honor my father's military service.

All of this leads up to the following sad report...

     This past week I have read a story reported by multiple news sources about the descendants of Pvt. Creed Holland of the 58th Virginia Infantry, CSA. Pvt. Holland was one of the many slaves who rendered service to the Southern Cause during the War Between The States, his primary task being that of a teamster, hauling supplies for the 58th VA Inf. Pvt. Holland's honorable Confederate service was recognized by his state in the form of receiving a Confederate pension during the later years of his life.

     In 2002, several of Pvt. Holland's descendants joined the Sons of Confederate Veterans after learning about their great-grandfather's honorable Confederate service. The Holland family and the SCV worked together at that time to make sure Pvt. Holland got a government-issued Confederate headstone to properly honor his time as a Confederate soldier.

     Now, thirteen years later, some members of the Holland family have been hoodwinked by the onslaught of anti-Confederate propaganda that runs wild in this country today, and shamed into dishonoring their great-grandfather. They have removed the Confederate headstone they once so lovingly dedicated to Pvt. Holland's memory, and are planning to place a new one that will be void of Confederate recognition. Only one member of the family, John Holland, is still honoring his ancestor's service as a member of the SCV.

     Pvt. Holland is no less an honorable Confederate Veteran than my father is an honorable Vietnam Veteran of the U.S. Army! I cannot imagine anything that would lead me to dishonoring my father's service; no level of coercion or amount of wealth offered could cause me to commit such a dishonorable act against his memory or military service! How sad it is that some of Pvt. Holland's descendants have allowed lies and deception on the part of the media & academia to lead them into disgracing his legacy of honor!

     Here within the Michigan Camps of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, we salute Pvt. Creed Holland of the 58th Virginia Infantry, Confederate States Army, and shall always be grateful for his honorable service towards the cause of Southern Independence! We also salute Compatriot John Holland for remaining a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans despite the opposition he faces, and in so doing, properly honors the military service of his great-grandfather!

- Jonathan McCleese
Sergeant-at-Arms, SCV Camp #1321

[P.S. If you'd like to show some love to Pvt. Creed Holland, and in a small way show respect for his Confederate service, you can visit his memorial page on & leave a note or "virtual" flowers. The page can found at the following link: Pvt. Creed Holland @]

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