Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Special Message from Cmdr. James D. Perkins (SCV Camp #2257)

A Time to Speak Up?! One Man’s Opinion:

As the year 2015 begins to wane and 2016 approaches, some thoughts come to mind. Last summer while attending the Van Raalte Farm reenactment in Holland, something did not seem quite right, yet so help me I could not put a finger on it at the time. The number of participants were good since these days fewer people seem to be involved in the living history hobby, and it seems that there were some twenty five soldiers on each side. My grandson Cody and I were the only camp members who attended, so I am not one hundred percent certain that I am correct in saying that there were no Southern Cross Confederate battle flags on the field on that Sunday. The scenario they were portraying that particular day was, I believe the 1865 battle of Saylor’s Creek, Virginia, so thus, there should have been a Southern Cross on the field at Holland. The point is I do not believe that there was, and of course the question is: Why not? Had I realized at the time, I certainly would have been asking questions.

We have not seen the last of the political correctness that has reared it’s ugly head, as well as the condemnation of all things Confederate. I have since wondered if Van Raalte requested that no Southern Cross be carried onto the field that day, and if so, was it due to pressure from the city council, or someone else?

As Dr. Boyd D. Cathey argues in the SCV’s To Live and Die in Dixie, we need to “become educators.” The uninformed and historically illiterate, or brainwashed need to be tuned in, and immediately before it’s too late. After all, the leftists among us have a well organized plan, and it’s not just the flags they are after. First the flags, then the monuments, and finally Southern culture is their ultimate goal. As Dr. Boyd wrote: “Our Confederate and Southern culture still lives, but our generation may be the last when the opportunity to turn the tide in its favor is truly possible. And victory will only be won through sacrificing our time, our talents, our finances, and perhaps even our friends and reputations. But the alternative is far worse.” Yes, compatriots, it’s time!

- James D. Perkins
Commander, Major-General Patrick Ronayne Cleburne Camp #2257

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