Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Camp #1321 Goings On (May/June 2016)

[Image Credit: The Michigan Camps of the SCV, 2015]
Spring has sprung here in Michigan, though the past day or two some might think the spring has unwound, as here in southeastern Michigan we saw some very light sleet and snow flurries on the third Sunday in May! Despite the crazy weather, the SCV Compatriots of Camp #1321 have been working on things for the coming summer.

As has already been reported here on the Camp blog, our camp will be hosting a Memorial Day event at the Confederate Stockade Cemetery on Johnson's Island near Sandusky, OH on May 30th. Besides being held on the date of the national holiday, May 30th is also the date set aside this year for Confederate Memorial Day in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We're very much looking forward to this event, as Memorial Day is our most important Camp event of any year. We hope everyone interested will come out to honor those brave men in gray who are buried so far away from the Southland they so bravely fought to defend.

Then in the month of June, we'll be holding our bi-annual Camp elections at our Jefferson Davis Birthday Picnic & Meeting! I cannot stress enough for members of Camp #1321 how important this meeting will be. A Camp is only as strong as it's membership makes it, and this is the opportunity for Camp members to elect the officers who will serve them for the next two years. If you're a member of the camp, you should have received an email from Adj. Frank Peters about this meeting with more details.

We look forward to seeing all members of the camp at our various meetings and events over the next few months as we head into the summer. Remember, the life of the local camp is only as strong as the membership makes it, and the local camps are the strength of the national organization. We must stand up for own heritage; nobody else will do it for us.

- Jonathan McCleese
Admiral Raphael Semmes Camp #1321 (Dearborn, MI)
Army of Tennessee, Sons of Confederate Veterans

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